vietnamese coffee grind

Vietnamese Coffee Grind Size Guide

The Vietnamese coffee grind size depends on the brewing method that you use. The traditional method that includes a drip filter requires a medium grind size, which resembles something between table salt and sand. Continue reading to learn more about whether you can use different grid sizes for this brew. 

💡 You may be interested in how to brew Vietnamese coffee.

What is the recommended Vietnamese coffee grind size?

For Vietnamese coffee, you need a medium grind. It should feel like beach sand if you rub it between your fingers. It’s not as fine as powdered sugar, but it’s not as coarse as sea salt either.

A traditional brewing method

The traditional brewing method for Vietnamese coffee revolves around a nifty little contraption known as a phin. This is a small metal drip filter that sits atop your cup. It’s simplicity itself, and yet, it’s a game-changer for coffee aficionados. No power required, no complicated instructions, just you, your coffee, and the phin. 

How does drip filter (phin) work?

You place your medium-grind coffee in the phin, then gently pour hot water over it. The water slowly trickles through the coffee grounds, extracting all the flavor and caffeine as it goes, and then drips down into your cup. 

It’s a slow process, but the wait is worth it. The end result is a strong, rich brew that is the signature of Vietnamese coffee.

a phin drip maker for vietnamese coffee

Why does coffee grind matter?

The size of your coffee grind directly affects the taste of your coffee. A finer grind can over-extract the coffee, leading to a bitter taste. A coarser grind, on the other hand, can under-extract it, making your coffee taste weak or watery. 

The medium grind for Vietnamese coffee is the perfect middle ground. It extracts just the right amount of flavor, giving you a cup of coffee that’s strong, bold, and full of character.

Comparison with other brewing grind sizes

Medium grind isn’t exclusive to Vietnamese coffee. Other brewing methods that utilize this grind size include drip coffee makers and pour-over cones. The medium grind size is perfect for these methods as they have a relatively short brewing time, similar to the Vietnamese phin filter. 

But not all popular brews use medium grind. For example:

6 different coffee grind sizes

What coffee should you use?

Vietnamese coffee typically uses Robusta beans. Robusta beans are known for their strong, bold flavor and higher caffeine content, almost double that of Arabica. 

They have a nutty taste with a hint of chocolate, which pairs delightfully well with the condensed milk often used in Vietnamese coffee.

Final thoughts

Because of the brewing method that resembles drip coffee, medium grind works best for Vietnamese coffee. This grind ensures that you get the most of the caffeine and flavor extraction through the brewing method. 

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