Turkish Coffee Grind Size Guide

Turkish Coffee Grind Size Guide

Turkish coffee requires an incredibly fine grind, far finer than other brewing methods. Here we will explore Turkish coffee grind size, share tips and tricks, reveal common mistakes, and provide you with everything you need to get a perfect grind every time. Make sure to check out the top Turkish coffee grinders to ensure your beans are ground to perfection.

How fine should Turkish coffee be?

Unlike other brewing methods like espresso, French press, or pour-over, Turkish coffee requires an extra-fine grind that is almost powdery in texture.

Why do you need extra fine grind?

During the brewing process for this type of coffee, you use a small cezve (a special pot). It doesn’t require pressure like other types of coffee, but instead, brewing is the result of the constant interaction between warming water and coffee. 

Now here is where the grind size comes to play. The extra fine grind plays a crucial role in the brewing process because it allows maximum extraction of flavors and aromas. The more surface is exposed to the water, the more flavors you are going to get

This results in a strong, concentrated coffee with a velvety texture and a thick layer of foam, known as “kaimaki.”

It is important to note that you do not filter out the coffee grounds. They stay in the cup, and if you let it sit for one minute, they will settle at the bottom of the cup.   

How to know when you have a perfect grind with a manual grinder?

Many Turkish coffee lovers prefer using manual grinders over electric ones. They allow greater control and precision during the grinding process. You can grind at a different pace to ensure that you achieve that ultra-fine consistency.

There are two ways to see if your grind size is correct. Firstly, take a look at the ground coffee. It should resemble the texture of flour or powdered sugar. The particles should be extremely fine, almost like a silky powder. 

If you notice any larger granules or unevenness in the grind, it means that you need to continue grinding.

Secondly, try rubbing some of the ground coffee between your fingers. The coffee should feel smooth and velvety, without any grittiness. If you feel any coarse or gritty texture, that means the grind is not fine enough.

Turkish coffee grounds in a manual grinder

Tips for a perfect grind

Here are 3 essential tips that will help you to achieve that perfect grind level.

1. Invest in a quality grinder

A good grinder is the backbone of a perfect grind. Opt for a manual Turkish coffee grinder or a high-quality electric grinder. Quality grinders have significant differences in control and consistency.

2. Take it slow 

This process requires a bit more time and patience, just like the coffee itself. You don’t drink Turkish coffee in a hurry. You enjoy every moment. That is how it should be with the preparation process also.

3. Trust your senses

While grind size guides and measurements are helpful, don’t forget to trust your senses. Take a look at the ground coffee and feel it between your fingers. It should resemble the texture of flour and feel smooth without any grittiness.

Tips for waste reduction in the grinding process

Let me share with you some tips to minimize waste and make the most of your Turkish coffee experience.

Measure your coffee

Use a scale or measuring spoon to accurately measure the amount of coffee beans you need for your desired serving. A good rule of thumb is 7g of coffee for one cup

Store your beans properly 

Keep your beans in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to preserve their flavor and aroma.

Repurpose coffee grounds 

Don’t let those coffee grounds go to waste! After brewing your Turkish coffee, consider repurposing the used grounds.

Final thoughts

Mastering the extra-fine grind that Turkish coffee demands is both an art and a science. Investing in a quality grinder, taking your time, and trusting your senses are essential keys to unlocking the perfect brew. Keep in mind that maintaining the quality and longevity of your grinder is crucial after you’ve achieved the perfect grind. Here you can see the best ways to clean a Turkish coffee grinder.

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