how to use vietnamese coffee maker

How To Use A Vietnamese Coffee Maker?

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Using a Vietnamese coffee maker is a simple process. It’s one of the easiest brewing methods that produces one of the strongest coffee. The coffee is so strong that people usually add condensed milk to adjust the flavor.

💡 Make sure to check out the best Vietnamese coffee makers for your home

Step-by-step guide on how to use a Vietnamese coffee maker

Brewing a cup of coffee using a Vietnamese coffee maker, also known as a phin, is a unique and rewarding process, and I’m going to guide you through it step-by-step.

  1. Choose the right coffee: Vietnamese coffee makers are best paired with Robusta coffee beans. They are robust, dark, and often have hints of chocolate. My personal favorite is Nguyen Coffee Supply. It has a rich, full-bodied flavor, and it’s made of 100% Robusta coffee to kickstart your day like nothing else. Most impressively, they have wide options of flavor profiles that you can choose from. 

  1. Prep the glass: Traditional Vietnamese coffee is served with a layer of sweet condensed milk at the bottom of the glass or cup. Add one teaspoon for the most traditional taste. After that, place your phin on the glass/cup.
  1. Measure the coffee: Scoop about 15 grams of your chosen coffee into the brew chamber. This might seem like a lot, but remember that Vietnamese coffee is typically stronger than your average joe.
  1. Tamp down: Place the filter screen on top of the coffee and press down gently. Don’t press too hard, though. You want the water to be able to pass through the coffee, but not too quickly.
  1. The first pour: Pour a small amount of hot (near boiling) water into the brew chamber. Just enough to cover the coffee grounds. This allows the coffee to “bloom” and release its full flavor. Wait for about 20 seconds.
  1. The second pour: Now, fill the brew chamber with hot water. Place the cap on and let the coffee drip into your cup. Patience is key here. It might take up to 5 minutes, but trust me, it’s worth the wait.
  1. Enjoy: Once the dripping has stopped, stir your coffee and enjoy. 
Vietnamese coffee maker on the top of the glass mug

What kind of beans should you use in a Vietnamese coffee maker?

Traditional Vietnamese coffee is made with Robusta beans. These beans with powerful taste play a crucial role in the strength and caffeine content of Vietnamese coffee.

To enjoy this coffee in an authentic way, make sure to use pure Robusta beans instead of using a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans.

What kind of grind goes to a Vietnamese coffee maker?

Medium grind works best for Vietnamese coffee makers. If you are using fresh beans instead of pre-grounded ones, make sure to aim for a grind size that is similar to beach sand.  

Here, you can learn more about how to grind Vietnamese coffee to work for a phin filter. 

Final thoughts

Brewing with a Vietnamese coffee maker is really simple. Just make sure you are using the right grind size so that you get the maximum extraction flavor and caffeine with this brewing method. 

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