4 vegan vietnamese iced coffees

How To Make Vegan Vietnamese Iced Coffee

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Traditional Vietnamese iced coffee (ca phe sua da) is made with strong drip coffee and sweetened condensed milk. To make a vegan version, you will replace the sweetened condensed milk with a vegan alternative. Here you can find a recipe for vegan Vietnamese iced coffee.

💡 Want to learn more about this brew? Read about what is Vietnamese iced coffee

Vegan Vietnamese iced coffee recipe


  • 2-3 tablespoons of dark roast coffee (medium grind)
  • Hot water (boiling)
  • 2-3 tablespoons vegan sweetened condensed milk (store-bought or homemade, see below for a recipe)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Preheat your drip filter: Place a Vietnamese drip filter (phin) on the top of the glass and pour a little bit of hot water. After your filter is heated, throw away water from the glass. 
  1. Add vegan condensed milk: In a glass add 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegan sweetened condensed milk.
  1. Make coffee:  Put a Vietnamese drip filter on top of the glass where your vegan condensed milk is. Place the coffee grounds in the filter, pour a small amount of hot water to let the coffee bloom for about 30 seconds, then fill the filter with hot water and cover with the lid. Let the coffee drip over a glass. This process can take several minutes.

💡 Don’t have a Vietnamese drip filter? Here are 5 ways to make Vietnamese coffee without a filter.  

  1. Stir: Once the coffee has finished dripping, remove a drip filter from the glass and stir vegan sweetened condensed milk with coffee to combine.
  1. Ice: Fill the glass with ice cubes and stir again. Your Vegan Vietnamese Iced Coffee is ready to enjoy!
making vegan vietnamese iced coffee

Where to get vegan sweetened condensed milk?

You can either make a homemade vegan condensed milk or purchase it. This simple recipe from Karissa’s Vegan Kitchen provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to make it at home. 

However, if you don’t want to make it by yourself, then Nature’s Charm sweetened condensed coconut milk is my recommendation. 

Final thoughts

By merely swapping out the regular sweetened condensed milk for its vegan alternative, we can enjoy the robust flavors of the classic Vietnamese iced coffee without compromising vegan values.

💡 You may be interested in what taste to expect from Vietnamese iced coffee.

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