keto vietnamese coffee

How To Make Keto Vietnamese Coffee?

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Want to make keto Vietnamese coffee but not sure how to do it? Let’s first see what types of Vietnamese coffee are keto-friendly and how to make other varieties to fit your diet.

💡 Ready for a coffee adventure? Explore 7 outstanding Vietnamese coffee variations.

Is Vietnamese coffee keto-friendly? 

In its purest form, Vietnamese black coffee without any additions like sugar, milk, or condensed milk is a great option for those following a keto lifestyle. 

It consists of a strong brew made using Robusta coffee beans and a specific filter, known as a phin. This filter allows for a slower extraction process and produces a strong cup of coffee. 

Plain coffee, regardless of its origin, is generally considered keto-friendly. It contains zero carbs, ideal for those aiming to maintain ketosis.

What is Vietnamese black coffee?

Vietnamese black coffee is not so popular when compared to Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk which gained a huge boost on social media. 

You can drink Vietnamese black coffee hot or with ice, and you can expect powerful flavors because of Robusta coffee beans. 

However, many coffee lovers won’t find a strong profile of this brew to their liking. So for that reason, let’s see how you can make keto Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk. 

A person preparing keto Vietnamese coffee

Keto Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk recipe

If you’re following a ketogenic diet but still want to enjoy the creamy goodness of Vietnamese coffee, this recipe will give you exactly that. 


  • 2 tablespoons of Vietnamese coffee grounds (or any dark roast coffee)
  • 2 cups of water (for brewing)
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of keto-friendly sweetener (such as erythritol, monk fruit, or stevia)
  • 2-3 tablespoons of keto-friendly condensed milk (for example, the Newa Nutrition version or this homemade recipe)


  1. Add keto-friendly condensed milk
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of keto-friendly condensed milk of your choice to the cup of glass where you are going to prepare your Vietnamese coffee. 
  1. Brew the coffee
  • Add the coffee grounds to the filter, place it over your glass or cup, and pour hot water (just off the boil) into it. Allow it to drip slowly into your glass, which can take a few minutes.
  1. Mix it
  • Stir well and enjoy a keto Vietnamese coffee!
  • To make iced versions, just add ice cubes and stir your coffee well. Or if you have a cocktail share, you can transfer everything to it, give it a good shake, and return it to the glass. 

💡 You may want to know how to prepare Vietnamese coffee with oat milk.

Final thoughts

If you are on a ketogenic diet, that doesn’t have to mean you can enjoy creamy and smooth Vietnamese coffee. Simply follow this recipe and you will make a perfect coffee every time. 

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