Is Turkish coffee good for weight loss?

Is Turkish Coffee Good For Weight Loss?

Can Turkish coffee really help with the weight loss journey, or is it only a myth?

Yes, it can help you. But only if you don’t put in additional calories.

This Turkish beverage is a low-calorie drink, just like any other type of coffee in its original form. To speed up your weight loss journey, make sure to follow the tips that you will find below. 

Are you implementing coffee into your weight loss journey? Here you can learn myths and facts about Turkish coffee caffeine

What kind of Turkish coffee is good for weight loss? 

Turkish coffee can be good for weight loss if you drink it without sugar. Any coffee without sugar or additives is the way to go if you’re looking to lose weight.

Does Turkish coffee have calories?

It has 1 calorie per oz of drink, according to MyFitnessPal. Without any additives or sweeteners, it contains minimal calories. However, once you start adding sugar or other sweeteners, the calorie count starts to climb.

On average, each teaspoon of sugar adds around 15 calories to your coffee. So if you indulge in two teaspoons of sugar, that’s an additional 30 calories. 

What is the role of sugar in Turkish coffee?

In Turkish culture, the amount of sugar added to coffee is a matter of personal preference, and it even defines the name given to this beloved drink.

Sade kahve, which literally translates to “plain” or “unsweetened,” is enjoyed without any sugar. This is the purist’s choice, highlighting the richness of the coffee’s natural flavors. 

For those with a slightly sweeter tooth, you can opt for Orta kahve, which means “a little sugar.” In this variation, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar are added.

At the end of the sugar spectrum is cok sekerli kahve, which has more than 2 teaspoons of sugar and provides a noticeable sweetness to the brew. 

For weight loss, you should choose sade kahve, especially if you are drinking more cups of coffee per day.  

Turkish coffee in white cup next to a glass of water

How can caffeine help with weight loss?

Caffeine is a great substance that many people use for their weight loss journey, from everyday people to professional bodybuilders. If you are curious about the strength of Turkish coffee compared to other types, check out this article.

Here’s how caffeine can help you on your journey to a slimmer waistline:

Boost your metabolism

According to Healthline, caffeine speeds up metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories when you’re resting. Before you start drinking abnormal amounts of coffee, keep in mind that the best results have been shown for people who are already lean.

For weight loss, caffeine can help you, but a healthy diet and exercise will still be necessary.

Appetite suppression

Many people who are cutting on calories have noticed that they are less hungry when they drink coffee. At the moment, there is not enough scientific research to confirm this.

Make sure to check out these articles if you want to drink Turkish coffee on intermittent fasting or on a Keto diet.

Final thoughts

In its pure form, Turkish coffee is a low-calorie beverage, making it a friend to weight loss. Its high caffeine content can boost metabolism and may even suppress appetite. 

However, these benefits are compromised once sugar or other sweeteners are added. 

Although coffee can be an ally, it isn’t a magic bullet. Successful weight loss requires a holistic approach, encompassing balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and overall lifestyle changes. 

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