How To Make Turkish Coffee In An Ibrik

How To Make Turkish Coffee In An Ibrik

Congratulations on getting your hands on an ibrik. Brewing Turkish coffee in an ibrik may seem a bit daunting at first, but I’m here to guide you through the process step by step.

If you still don’t have an ibrik, make sure to get one. It will elevate the taste of your coffee. Here you can find my recommendations of the best Turkish coffee pots for your home

How to make Turkish coffee in an ibrik – Step-by-step guide

This is an authentic method that will allow you to experience this unique coffee at its best.

You’ll need:

  1. An ibrik or cezve
  2. Finely ground Turkish coffee (about 1-2 heaping teaspoons per small coffee cup)
  3. Cold water (about 3 ounces per serving)
  4. Sugar (optional)
  5. A heat source (stovetop or open flame)

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Measure the water: Start by measuring cold water using the cup you’re going to drink from, not the ibrik. This will help you to achieve the perfect coffee-to-water ratio. Pour the water into the ibrik.
  1. Add the coffee: Add your finely ground Turkish coffee to the water in the ibrik. The key to authentic Turkish coffee is the grind; it should be a fine powder.
  1. Sweeten to taste: If you prefer your coffee sweet, now’s the time to add sugar. You don’t want to add it at the end of the brewing process because you will stir up coffee particles at the bottom.
  1. Heat slowly: Place the ibrik on your heat source. If you’re using a gas stove, make sure the flame is low and doesn’t come up the sides of the pot. The coffee should heat slowly; quick boiling will lead to a weak brew.
  1. Watch for foam: As the coffee warms, it will start to froth. Keep a close eye on it, as Turkish coffee can overflow quickly. When a rich, dark foam builds up, remove it from the heat before it boils.
  1. Serve: Pour the coffee into the cups, dividing the foam equally between them.
  1. Wait: Allow the coffee to sit for a minute or so before drinking for the grounds to settle.
Turkish coffee in a copper ibrik on the electric stove

What is actually ibrik?

An ibrik, also known as a cezve, is a small, long-handled pot traditionally used to brew Turkish coffee. 

It’s typically made of copper, brass, or stainless steel and features a wide base and a narrower top. 

This unique shape helps to create the perfect environment for brewing coffee to perfection.

The long handle of the ibrik is not just for aesthetics; it serves a practical purpose. It allows you to hold and pour the coffee without burning your hands, as the ibrik can get quite hot during the brewing process.

What is the best way to clean an ibrik?

It’s important to note that ibriks are usually made of copper, brass, or stainless steel. 

According to The New York Times article, these materials require specific attention, so it’s best to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers. Opt for a more gentle approach to keep your ibrik in pristine condition.

Start by rinsing the ibrik with warm water immediately after use. This will help remove any remaining coffee residue and prevent it from drying and sticking to the pot. Be sure to rinse both the inside and outside of the ibrik thoroughly.

Next, prepare a solution of warm water and mild dish soap. Use a soft sponge or cloth to gently scrub the interior of the ibrik, paying extra attention to areas where coffee residue may have accumulated. 

Avoid using abrasive scrubbers that may scratch the surface of the pot. Once you’ve cleaned the interior, rinse the ibrik thoroughly with warm water to remove any soap residue. Make sure to rinse the handle and the exterior of the ibrik as well. 

In conclusion, do you really need ibrik to make Turkish coffee?

Using an ibrik certainly adds a touch of authenticity and nostalgia to the brewing process. Its unique shape and material contribute to the traditional method of slow, controlled brewing, allowing for the development of those bursty flavors and that coveted thick foam. However, you can still make a decent cup of coffee without an ibrik if you are creative and skilled.

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