Does Turkish Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting

Does Turkish Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting?

Does Turkish Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting? This question has been on the minds of many intermittent-fasting coffee lovers. 

While some argue that Turkish coffee can break your fast, others believe it can be enjoyed without disrupting the fasting state.

Coffee shouldn’t break your intermittent fasting if you follow the recommendations I’ll discuss in this blog post. To understand why, we should first understand how intermittent fasting works. But a quick reminder: if you drink a few cups daily, make sure to understand Turkish coffee caffeine

What is intermittent fasting?

It is not a diet in the traditional sense, but rather an approach to eating that emphasizes when you eat rather than what you eat.

Two main IF schedules 

There are various methods of intermittent fasting, but the most common ones include fasting for 16 hours, followed by an 8-hour eating window, and the 5:2 method, where calories are restricted to 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days.

What are the benefits? 

The benefits of intermittent fasting are said to go beyond weight loss. Healthline says it can improve insulin sensitivity, promote autophagy (the body’s cellular cleaning process), and enhance heart health. 

Alongside all these benefits, mental clarity and improved focus is something that I love about this method of eating. 

Does Turkish coffee break intermittent fasting?

Turkish coffee on its own won’t break the fast because it is very low in calories.

Adding sugar would break your fast. This is the facts for any other coffee. If you add any ingredients that contain calories, you’ll break your fast. 

What ingredients are in Turkish coffee?

The main ingredients are finely ground Arabica coffee beans and water. Sugar is optional, and people add it because of their taste preferences. 

It’s worth noting that this type of coffee is typically served without any milk or cream. Unlike other coffee variations like lattes or cappuccinos, Turkish coffee focuses on the pure, unadulterated taste of the coffee itself.

Can you drink Turkish coffee without sugar?

Absolutely! Turkish coffee can be enjoyed without sugar, and it’s actually quite common to drink “sade” in Turkey, which means plain or without sugar. 

As someone who doesn’t drink coffee with sugar, I’m able to experience coffee beans’ natural characteristics and complexities.

What spices can you add to your Turkish coffee?

One of the most popular spices to add to Turkish coffee is cardamom. Cardamom has a warm, aromatic, and slightly sweet flavor that pairs exceptionally well with coffee. 

To flavor your coffee with cardamom, simply add a pinch of ground this unique spice to the pot before brewing.

Cinnamon is another spice you can add to your coffee.  It will add a warm and comforting element to the brew with its sweet and slightly spicy flavor.

You can sprinkle a small amount of ground cinnamon after making your coffee or add a cinnamon stick during the brewing process.

To learn more about how you can elevate your coffee taste without sugar, try these spices with your Turkish coffee.

Does cardamom break intermittent fasting?

If you add cardamom to your coffee, it won’t break your fast. Cardamom is a great spice if you do not like the plain coffee taste without risking breaking your fast. 

Turkish coffee in a colourful cup with a beautiful view on the sea

Does coffee break intermittent fasting in general?

Any coffee prepared with milk or cream, such as lattes, cappuccinos, or even a simple milk splash, will break your fast. Sweetened coffee beverages, such as flavored syrups, caramel macchiatos, or sugary iced coffees, are also off-limits during fasting periods. 

Even though black coffee is generally considered safe during fasting, please consume it in moderation. If you are struggling with the plain flavor, you can always add different spices that won’t break your fast, and invest in a Turkish coffee pot that will surely elevate the taste.

Final thoughts

Whether Turkish coffee breaks intermittent fasting boils down to how you prefer to enjoy it. Plain, unadulterated Turkish coffee without added sugars or milk doesn’t disrupt your fast. Additionally, spices like cardamom or cinnamon can enhance the flavor of your brew without adding substantial calories that could interfere with your fast.

Also, as for any coffee, make sure to drink it in moderation. Here you can learn if Turkish coffee is bad for you and when it can be.

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