how to clean moka pot

How To Clean Moka Pot?

When it comes to cleaning your Moka pot, there are a lot of misconceptions. Should you use soap… Should you do it after every brewing… Is vinegar safe? Here you can find the ultimate guide on how to clean Moka pot that will solve all these confusions. 

💰 Does your coffee maker need to be replaced? Make sure to check out our picks for the best Moka pots.

How to clean the Moka pot after daily use?

Cleaning your Moka pot after each use is not only essential for maintaining its longevity, but it’s also key to preserving the integrity of your coffee flavors. It’s a simple process that doesn’t require any fancy tools or expensive detergents. Just follow these steps:

1. Disassemble your Moka pot: This includes the top chamber, bottom chamber, and filter. This is essential for thorough cleaning, as coffee residue can hide in the most unexpected corners.

2. Rinse each part under warm water: Plain old tap water is perfect for this. Make sure to remove all the coffee grounds from the filter. Don’t be afraid to use a soft cloth or sponge if needed.

3. Dry each component: This step is critical to prevent moisture from causing damage or mold growth. Use a clean, dry towel, and make sure to wipe down each part meticulously.

Here is a step-by-step video from MokaBees on how to clean Moka pot on a daily basis. 

Do you need to clean your Moka pot on a regular basis?

Cleaning the Moka pot after use is necessary. Leaving coffee residue in the pot can lead to a build-up that not only affects the taste of your coffee but can also cause your Moka pot to deteriorate faster. Just don’t forget that even if you regularly clean your Moka pot, you will need from time to time to do a deep cleaning. 

Cleaning a Moka pot with soap?

Using soap to clean your Moka pot is a big no-no. Why? Soap is notorious for leaving behind a residue that can alter the taste of your next pot of coffee. Plus, it can interfere with the natural ‘seasoning’ of your Moka pot, a layer of coffee oil build-up that many coffee aficionados swear contributes to a richer flavor over time.

How to deep clean your Moka pot?

While regular cleaning is essential, it doesn’t quite cut through the stubborn oils and mineral deposits that can build up over time. Deep cleaning is crucial for removing mineral deposits from the Moka pot. A good deep clean can restore your Moka pot to its former glory, ensuring you get that perfect brew every time.

A good rule of thumb is to give your Moka pot a deep clean every two to three months should keep it in tip-top shape.

Deep cleaning your Moka pot with vinegar

The most effective Moka pot residue removal is vinegar. This pantry staple is a natural disinfectant and descaler, perfect for breaking down those stubborn deposits. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Disassemble your Moka pot and rinse each part with warm water to remove any loose grounds.
  2. Fill the bottom chamber with a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. 
  3. Assemble the Moka pot and let it brew on low heat.
  4. Once brewed, let the pot cool down, then rinse each part thoroughly with warm water.
  5. Dry each component meticulously.
Deep cleaning a bkack moka pot with vinegar

Deep cleaning your Moka pot with baking soda

If you’re out of vinegar, don’t worry! Baking soda is another excellent deep-cleaning agent. It’s great for tackling tough stains and removing unpleasant odors. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Disassemble your Moka pot and rinse each part with warm water.
  2. Create a paste with equal parts baking soda and water.
  3. Apply the paste to the interior of the pot, focusing on areas with stubborn stains.
  4. Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes, then scrub gently with a soft cloth or sponge.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry each part carefully.

How to clean Moka pot from mold?

The best way to clean the filter or other parts of the Moka pot from mold is to use vinegar. Simply mix the equal parts of vinegar and water, add the solution to the bottom chamber, and boil it over medium heat. 

This vinegar and water mix will remove all the mold traces, no matter how stubborn they are. 

Remember, prevention is better than cure. Coffee residue removal is much easier when you take proper care of your Moka pot mold-free.

a perfectly clear moka pot without mold

A simple guide on descaling Moka pot

Descaling a coffee maker is a simple process. All you have to do is to follow the instructions from the video above. 

There you will find out how to easily remove all parts and how to properly take care of them. 

6 Moka pot care tips

Taking care of your Moka pot is an essential part of ensuring it has a long life and continues to make that perfect cup of coffee. Here are some best practices that you should incorporate into your routine:

  1. Clean after each use: Rinse each part under warm water and dry them thoroughly. This prevents the build-up of coffee residue.
  1. Avoid soap: As mentioned earlier, soap can leave a residue that alters the taste of your coffee. 
  1. Regular deep clean: Depending on how often you use your Moka pot, aim to clean it deep every two to three months. This removes mineral deposits that can clog your pot.
  1. Store properly: When not in use, store your Moka pot in a dry place with the top and bottom separated so air can circulate and prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.
  1. Check the gasket regularly: The rubber gasket in your Moka pot can wear out over time. Check it regularly and replace it if you notice any cracks or damage.
  1. Avoid abrasive materials: When cleaning your Moka pot, avoid using abrasive materials like steel wool, as they can scratch the surface. Stick to soft clothes and sponges.

Final thoughts

The best way to take care of your Moka pot is to clean it regularly and, from time to time, perform a deep clean. This will ensure longevity and the perfect taste of your brew. If you think your Moka pot has reached the point of no return, check out these places where you can get the best Moka pots.


Can I use soap to clean the Moka Pot?

It’s not recommended. Soap can leave a residue that alters the taste of your coffee. Instead, rinse the Moka pot with warm water after each use and use vinegar or baking soda for deep cleaning.

What’s the best way to remove coffee stains?

For stubborn coffee stains, boiling equal parts of vinegar and water can be very effective.

Is vinegar safe for descaling the Moka Pot?

Absolutely, vinegar is a safe and natural way to clean your Moka pot deep. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water, fill the bottom chamber with this solution, and let it brew.

Should I disassemble the Moka Pot for cleaning?

Yes, it’s best to disassemble your Moka pot for cleaning. This ensures that all parts, including the top chamber, bottom chamber, and filter, are thoroughly cleaned. 

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