Can you make Turkish coffee in a french press

Can You Make Turkish Coffee In A French Press?

If you’re a fan of this traditional brew, you may have wondered if it’s possible to make Turkish coffee using a French press. After all, both methods involve steeping coffee grounds in water, right? Unfortunately, it won’t work.

But before we delve into the details, if you’re serious about enjoying the true essence of Turkish coffee, I highly recommend investing in a traditional Turkish coffee pot, also known as a cezve or ibrik. These beautifully crafted pots are specifically designed to bring out the unique flavors and textures that make Turkish coffee so special. Now, let’s uncover the reasons why a French press falls short in producing this beloved brew.

Why you can’t make Turkish coffee in a French press?

Finely ground coffee 

Turkish coffee is an extremely fine grind. The grounds are almost powdery. The coarse mesh filter of a French press is not designed to handle such fine particles. As a result, the grounds will pass through the filter, resulting in a gritty and weak cup of coffee.

Unfiltered coffee

Turkish coffee has to be unfiltered, which means the coffee grounds are left in the cup. In a French press, the mesh filter is meant to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds, resulting in a clean cup of coffee. If you try to make it in a French press, it will remove this distinctive element.

No foam, no fun 

One of the delightful aspects of Turkish coffee is the layer of foam, known as “kaimaki,” that forms on top. Unfortunately, you can’t make it in a French press.

A thick Turkish coffee foam on the top in a white cup

French press simply can’t replicate the unique characteristics of Turkish coffee. To truly savor the authentic flavors and rituals associated with Turkish coffee, getting a traditional Turkish coffee pot is the way to go. 

These pots are specifically designed to handle the fine grind, unfiltered brew, and controlled heat necessary for a perfect cup of Turkish coffee.

Final thoughts

If you are someone who likes to enjoy a good cup of Turkish coffee but doesn’t want to make it in a traditional way using a cezve, then you get a coffee machine. Here you can see the top pics of Turkish coffee machines.

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