can you make bulletproof coffee with instant coffee

Can You Make Bulletproof Coffee With Instant Coffee?

Bulletproof coffee, often called “butter coffee”, is a high-calorie drink made by blending black coffee with unsalted butter and coconut oil or medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. The drink has garnered attention due to its connection with a ketogenic diet. But, can you make bulletproof coffee with instant coffee? Let’s see. 

How to make bulletproof coffee with instant coffee

For those following a keto diet, it’s crucial to use plain instant coffee. Flavored instant coffees can contain sugars and other additives that can kick you off from the ketosis state.


  • 1-2 teaspoons of plain instant coffee (based on your preference)
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted grass-fed butter
  • 1 tablespoon of MCT oil or coconut oil


Step 1: Prepare the coffee

  • Boil water in a kettle or on the stove.
  • In a mug, add your preferred amount of plain instant coffee.
  • Pour the hot water into the mug, filling it up to your desired level. Stir well until the coffee crystals are fully dissolved.

Step 2: Blend in the fats

  • Add the unsalted grass-fed butter to the mug.
  • Next, add the MCT oil or coconut oil. MCT oil is preferred by many on the keto diet due to its potential to boost ketone production

Step 3:  Stir to perfection

  • Stir it all for about 20-30 seconds or until the coffee becomes frothy and light in color.
bulletproof coffee with instant coffee in a glass mug next to fresh coconut

Taste and texture differences

While traditional bulletproof coffee made with brewed beans might have a richer flavor, the instant version isn’t far behind. The texture remains creamy, but the coffee taste might be slightly less intense.

💡 You might be interested in how to make instant coffee taste like Americano.

Common myths and misconceptions

A common myth is that instant coffee is inferior in quality and taste. While it might differ slightly in flavor profile, modern processing methods have greatly improved the taste and quality of instant coffee.

Final thoughts

So, can you make bulletproof coffee with instant coffee? Absolutely! While there might be subtle taste differences, the convenience and benefits remain. 


Is bulletproof coffee good for weight loss?

While it can suppress hunger, it’s high in calories. It’s essential to incorporate it into your daily caloric intake.

Can I use any butter in my bulletproof coffee?

It’s recommended to use unsalted, grass-fed butter for the best results.

Does bulletproof coffee break a fast?

Technically, yes, due to its calorie content. 

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