Cafe Bombon vs Vietnamese Coffee

Cafe Bombon vs Vietnamese Coffee

At the first look, these two brews look similar. Many people will say they’re the same. But there are a few elements that make Cafe Bombon and Vietnamese coffee so different in taste. 

💡 Read here what makes Vietnamese coffee truly different from other popular brews. 

Cafe Bombon vs Vietnamese coffee – A quick overview

Both Cafe Bombon and Vietnamese coffee are sweetened with condensed milk. But here is where they’re different:

  • Coffee type: Cafe Bombon is made with espresso, while Vietnamese coffee is prepared with a drip filter.
  • Coffee beans: In Vietnam, coffee is mostly prepared with Robusta coffee beans, which are stronger and have a more robust taste. Espresso usually uses a brand of Arabica and Robusta beans and has a smoother taste.
  • Topping: Sometimes, Cafe Bombon is topped with warm milk that creates beautiful three layers. This is also called Spanish latte. 
  • Ice: Vietnamese coffee is equally popular as a hot and iced beverage. 

What is Cafe Bombon

Cafe Bombon is a traditional Spanish coffee drink that combines espresso with condensed milk. The name “Bombon” itself means “sweet” in Spanish, and this coffee lives up to its name! 

The magic happens when a shot of espresso is poured over a generous amount of condensed milk, creating a beautiful layered effect that is as visually appealing as it is delicious.

The origins of Cafe Bombon can be traced back to the vibrant city of Valencia in Spain, where it is a popular choice among locals and tourists alike.

cafe bombon in glass cup on a wooden stand

How do you make Vietnamese coffee?

Vietnamese coffee uses Robusta coffee beans, which are known for their intense flavor and high caffeine content. The coffee is typically brewed using a traditional Vietnamese coffee filter known as a “phin.” 

This small metal filter sits atop a cup or glass, allowing the coffee to drip through and create a strong and concentrated brew slowly.

a person brewing Vietnamese coffeee with a phin filter in nature

Is Cafe Bombon stronger than Vietnamese Coffee?

Cafe Bombon has more caffeine content per ounce than Vietnamese coffee. But because of the Robusta coffee beans, Vietnamese coffee can have a more intense coffee taste. 

💡 Discover which one is better, Turkish coffee or Vietnamese coffee.

Final thoughts

Even though Cafe Bombon and Vietnamese coffee are really similar, there are a few differences that make each brew unique. For those who like their coffee sweet but still want to enjoy a good coffee kick, Vietnamese coffee may be a better option for you.

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