vietnamese iced coffee with tapioca

Vietnamese Iced Coffee With Tapioca

Vietnamese iced coffee with tapioca is a modern twist to the traditional recipe that adds a burst of excitement and complexity to the classic flavors of this coffee. The chewy texture and natural sweetness of tapioca pearls take this already delicious beverage to a whole new level. Let’s see how you can make it at your home.

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What is Vietnamese iced coffee with tapioca?

Tapioca pearls, also known as boba, are small, chewy balls made from the starch extracted from the cassava root. They are typically used in bubble tea, but they have found their way into Vietnamese iced coffee to add an extra element of fun and excitement.

Tapioca pearls add a unique texture to the drink. When you take a sip, you’ll experience a burst of chewiness as the tapioca pearls dance around in your mouth. In addition, these pearls also serve as a natural sweetener. They are usually cooked in a simple syrup made from sugar and water, which infuses them with a hint of sweetness.

Is tapioca a traditional ingredient in Vietnamese coffee? 

No, Tapioca is not a traditional ingredient in Vietnamese coffee. However, with the rise in popularity of Boba tea, which features tapioca pearls, people have started to experiment with adding tapioca to their iced coffee.

Tapioca works particularly well with iced coffee because of its chewy texture. When combined with the cold and refreshing nature of iced coffee, the tapioca pearls create an interesting contrast.

It’s important to note that tapioca pearls work best with iced coffee rather than hot coffee. The cold temperature of the iced coffee helps to maintain the chewiness of the tapioca pearls.

two vietnamese iced coffee with tapioca pearls in a tall glass

Vietnamese iced coffee with tapioca recipe


  • 2-3 tablespoons of Vietnamese coffee
  • 2 tablespoons of condensed milk
  • 1/4 cup of tapioca pearls (boba)
  • 2 tablespoons of simple syrup (made from sugar and water)
  • Ice cubes



  • Prepare the Vietnamese coffee: Start by brewing a strong cup of Vietnamese coffee using a phin filter. If you are new to this brewing method, make sure to follow this Vietnamese iced coffee guide.
  • Cook the tapioca pearls: In a separate pot, bring water to a boil. Add the tapioca pearls and cook them according to the package instructions. Typically, they need to be boiled for about 15-20 minutes until they become soft and chewy. Stir occasionally to prevent them from sticking together. Once cooked, drain the tapioca pearls using a strainer and rinse them under cold water to cool them down. 
  • Sweeten the tapioca pearls (Optional): Vietnamese iced coffee traditionally uses condensed milk to sweeten it, so if you don’t want it too sweet, you can skip this step. In a bowl, mix the cooked tapioca pearls with 2 tablespoons of simple syrup. This will add a touch of sweetness to the pearls and enhance their flavor. Stir gently to ensure that each pearl is coated with the syrup.
  • Assemble the drink: In a glass where you brewed Vietnamese coffee add tapioca pearls, and top it with ice. You can adjust the amount of tapioca pearls according to your preference. Give the drink a good stir and it is ready to drink. 

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Final thoughts

Vietnamese iced coffee with tapioca is a fun and refreshing beverage that brings together the best of both worlds. The strong Vietnamese coffee paired with the chewy tapioca pearls creates a burst of flavor and intensity.

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