Turkish coffee vs regular coffee

Turkish Coffee vs Regular Coffee – Which One Is Better

Did you know that the Turkish brewing method is considered one of the oldest coffee preparation methods? 

With that in mind, it will be exciting to compare Turkish coffee and regular coffee to see which one is better. Tradition vs. modernity…

Here I’ll do exactly that and provide you with the reasons why Turkish coffee is the real deal.

This is a must-read article if you’re interested in discovering what makes Turkish coffee special.

So, what is the difference between Turkish coffee and regular coffee?

First, the preparation method sets these two apart. Regular coffee is usually brewed using a drip or espresso machine, allowing hot water to pass through the coffee grounds and extract the flavors. 

On the other hand, Turkish coffee is made by boiling very finely ground coffee beans in a special pot called a cezve

Next, regular coffee tends to have a smoother and less dense consistency, thanks to the use of filters to separate the grounds from the liquid. 

Turkish coffee, on the other hand, is traditionally served unfiltered, which means you’ll find some sediment at the bottom of your cup. Don’t let that bother you. It’s part of the experience!

Poruing Turkish coffee in two white cups with an amazing view on the city

Turkish coffee vs regular coffee – Strength and caffeine

While Turkish coffee may have a higher caffeine concentration per ounce, it’s important to consider the serving sizes of both Turkish coffee and regular coffee. 

Turkish coffee is traditionally served in smaller portions, typically around 2 to 3 ounces, which contain approximately 40 to 60 mg of caffeine. 

On the other hand, regular coffee is often consumed in larger quantities, with an average serving size of 8 ounces, containing approximately 80 to 100 mg of caffeine.

Although Turkish coffee has a stronger caffeine kick per ounce, the overall caffeine intake can be higher when consuming regular coffee due to the larger serving size. 

This is especially true if you tend to have multiple cups of regular coffee throughout the day. It’s important to be mindful of your caffeine consumption and consider your personal tolerance and sensitivity to caffeine.

Some individuals may find that the concentrated nature of Turkish coffee leads to a more immediate and intense caffeine buzz, while others may experience a more gradual and sustained effect from regular coffee.

Whatever your choice is, keep your daily doses of caffeine at recommended levels (400 mg, according to Mayo Clinic). 

Which one tastes better?

Regular coffee often boasts a wide range of flavors and aromas. It can be fruity, nutty, chocolatey, or even floral. 

Turkish coffee, on the other hand, is known for its rich and bold flavor. The fine grind and prolonged boiling process extract every ounce of flavor from the coffee beans, resulting in a robust and earthy taste. It has a unique intensity that can be quite invigorating.

I find that the bold flavor of Turkish coffee is more appealing to me than regular coffee, which is toned down with cream. 

How to brew Turkish coffee at home?

Here’s a simple guide to help you brew Turkish coffee in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Start with the right equipment: To brew Turkish coffee. You’ll need a cezve (a small, narrow-necked pot), finely ground coffee beans (preferably Arabica beans), water, and, optionally, sugar. If you don’t have cezve, you can use a smaller pot, but for the best taste, I would recommend investing in a quality Turkish coffee pot. It will completely improve the taste and experience.  

Measure the water: Use a small cup (about 2-3 ounces) to measure your desired amount of water per serving. Typically, one serving requires one demitasse cup of water.

Measure the coffee: For a standard serving, use one heaping teaspoon (about 5-6 grams) of finely ground Turkish coffee per demitasse cup of water.

Add sugar: If desired, you can add sugar to the cezve based on your taste preferences. Usually, if people add sugar at all, they use one to two teaspoons of sugar per serving. 

Mix the ingredients: Place the cezve on low heat and add the water, coffee, and any desired sugar. Stir gently to combine everything, ensuring that the coffee grounds are fully dissolved.

Heat slowly: It’s important to heat the coffee slowly and evenly to achieve the desired frothy texture. Keep the heat on low and allow the coffee to gradually heat up.

Watch for the foam: As the coffee heats up, keep an eye out for the formation of a foamy layer on top. As soon as the foam starts to rise, remove the cezve from the heat and pour it into the cup.

Pro tip: Tilt your cup while pouring the coffee at a moderate continuous speed. Don’t dump all the coffee directly into the cup, and don’t pour it in short bursts. Keep it nice and smooth. 

Enjoy: Once the coffee is ready, let it settle for a moment before sipping slowly.

Turkish coffee in the cup next to cezve and Turkish delight

How to make regular coffee?

Here is how to make regular coffee using a drip brewing method.

Prepare your equipment and ingredients: To make regular coffee, you’ll need a coffee maker with a filter, fresh coffee beans or pre-ground coffee, water, sugar, and cream.

Measure the water: Start by measuring the appropriate amount of water based on the number of servings you want to make. As a general guide, you’ll need about 6 fluid ounces (180 milliliters) of water per serving.

Prepare the coffee: If you’re using whole coffee beans, grind them to a medium consistency right before brewing. If using pre-ground coffee, ensure it is fresh and suitable for drip brewing.  Use approximately 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds per 6 ounces of water, adjusting to your desired strength.

Add water to the coffee maker: Fill the water reservoir of your coffee maker with the measured amount of water. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific machine.

Add coffee grounds: Place a filter in the designated area of your coffee maker and add the appropriate amount of coffee grounds. Spread them evenly in the filter, ensuring that the grounds are evenly distributed for optimal extraction.

Set the brewing parameters: Depending on your coffee maker, you may have options to adjust the brewing parameters, such as brew strength and brew size. Select your preferred settings according to your taste preferences.

Start the brewing process: Once everything is set up, press the “Start” button, and the machine will heat the water and pass it through the coffee grounds, extracting the flavors and aromas.

Serve and enjoy: Once the brewing is complete, carefully remove the carafe or coffee pot from the coffee maker. Give the coffee a gentle stir to ensure any trapped flavors are evenly distributed. Pour the desired amount into your favorite mug and customize it with sugar, cream, or any other additions to your liking.

Pouring freshly brewed regular coffee in the white cup

Final thoughts

If you relish a robust, earthy taste and a unique cultural experience, Turkish coffee could be the best choice. 

On the other hand, regular coffee brewed using a drip or espresso machine offers a smoother, less robust consistency.

If you prefer a higher caffeine content overall and a beverage you can enjoy in larger quantities, regular coffee might be the way to go.

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