How To Make Vietnamese Coffee Without Condensed Milk

How To Make Vietnamese Coffee Without Condensed Milk?

Vietnamese coffee (ca phe sua) is traditionally made with sweetened condensed milk. However, if you’re looking to reduce calories or you don’t like the taste of condensed milk, there are a few alternatives. Continue reading to learn how you can make a Vietnamese-style coffee without condensed milk.

3 ways to make Vietnamese coffee without condensed milk

Let’s explore 3 best alternatives. 

Plain Vietnamese coffee

Vietnamese coffee doesn’t have to be enjoyed with sweetened condensed milk or any other add-ons. But be prepared for the really strong taste. Since Vietnamese coffee is primarily prepared from Robusta coffee beans, it tastes different from espresso or regular coffee. 

  • Robusta beans generally contain more caffeine than Arabica beans.
  • Robusta bean flavor is often described as a woody or astringent, and sometimes it can even have a rubbery or burnt tire nuance. 
  • Vietnam is the world’s second-largest coffee producer

To make plain Vietnamese coffee, just brew a traditional cup of Vietnamese coffee, but don’t add condensed milk at the beginning. 

Plain Vietnamese coffee without conensed milk

Vietnamese coffee with sweeteners

If you find the taste of plain Vietnamese coffee too strong but you still want to watch out for the sugars, you can go with sweeteners like stevia. 

Simply add stevia to your plain Vietnamese coffee, stir it well, and you will have a caffeine-rich and zero-calorie beverage. 

Vietnamese coffee with milk or cream

Instead of sweetened condensed milk, you can use a combination of regular milk, cream, almond milk, oat milk, or any other milk substitute.

Once the coffee is ready, slowly pour it over the milk or creamer. The rich, dark coffee should layer beautifully over the milk.

Is Vietnamese coffee still Vietnamese without condensed milk?

From my standpoint, no. If you add milk or sweeteners, you are not drinking traditional Vietnamese coffee. You are basically drinking coffee that is brewed with Robusta beans. 

But if you like the taste of Robusta beans and you want that caffeine kick, then go for it. 

💡 Expecting more people, and you want to prepare Vietnamese coffee for all of them? See how to prepare Vietnamese coffee for a large group of people.

Final thoughts

Even though you won’t be drinking authentic Vietnamese coffee, you can still use condensed milk alternatives. You will have a different taste and experience, but you will still get a powerful dose of caffeine that Vietnamese-style coffee is known for. 

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