cuban coffee caffeine content

Cuban Coffee Caffeine Content Myths And Facts

Known for its robust flavor and undeniable kick, Cuban coffee has become synonymous with strength and caffeine. However, is all that hype actually true? What is the real Cuban coffee caffeine content compared to other brews? In this blog post, you will learn exactly that. 

💡 Check out this article to learn how to make authentic Cuban coffee

What is the Cuban coffee caffeine content?

On average, Cuban coffee contains approximately 75 milligrams of caffeine. However, the actual caffeine content can vary depending on the specific beans and brewing technique used.

How big is a Cuban coffee cup?

Cuban coffee is served in small cups that are similar to espresso. The size goes from 3 oz to 6 oz. 

There are also Cuban coffee variations that are served in larger cups, such as Cortadito and Cafe Con Leche. In these variations, coffee is mixed with milk, resulting in larger cups. The caffeine content stays the same since you don’t change the amount of coffee used in these recipes.  

Cuban coffee compared to other popular brews.

Is Cuban coffee really the strongest brew among all? Let’s find out. 

Cuban coffee vs. espresso

Espresso has more caffeine than Cuban coffee per fluid ounce. As one of the strongest brewing methods, espresso has from 50 to 70 mg of caffeine per shot. 

  • One shot of espresso is usually around 1.5 ounces.
  • Cuban coffee can have around 75 mg of caffeine in much larger quantities (3 to 6 ounces).
  • Espresso has more caffeine because of the brewing method.
two shots of espresso with an amazing crema

Is Cuban coffee stronger than regular coffee? 

Yes, Cuban coffee is much stronger than regular coffee if we consider the amount of caffeine per fluid ounce. 

  • In a regular 8 oz cup of regular coffee, you can have around 90 mg of caffeine.
  • Cuban coffee has almost the same amount of caffeine in almost half the amount of fluid ounces.  

Top reasons why people think Cuban coffee is the strongest

So, if Cuban coffee isn’t the strongest one, why do people think it is? Here are some reasons that can explain this myth. 

Traditional brewing techniques unique to Cuban coffee

One of the primary reasons why people perceive Cuban coffee as exceptionally strong is the traditional brewing method it employs. 

As mentioned earlier, Cuban coffee is typically brewed using a Moka pot, which produces a highly concentrated espresso-like shot. This brewing technique extracts the oils and flavors from the coffee grounds more efficiently, resulting in a bolder and more robust taste.

A cup of regular coffee

What is Cuban coffee bean quantity?

Another factor that contributes to the perception of Cuban coffee as strong is the quantity of coffee beans used. When brewing Cuban coffee, a higher ratio of coffee grounds to water is often employed. 

The use of a smaller amount of water with a larger quantity of coffee grounds produces a more potent brew, further enhancing the perception of strength.

Does grind size impact the caffeine?

Grind size plays a role in the overall taste and strength of coffee, but it does not directly impact the caffeine content. 

However, it’s worth noting that the grind size can affect the extraction rate during the brewing process. Finely ground coffee, commonly used in Cuban coffee preparation, allows for a faster extraction, resulting in a more concentrated and robust cup. 

Do dark roast beans have more caffeine?

Contrary to popular belief, dark roast beans do not contain more caffeine than lighter roasts. The roasting process actually leads to a slight reduction in caffeine content. 

However, dark roast beans tend to have a more pronounced and bitter flavor profile, which can give the impression of a stronger cup of coffee. 

Final thoughts

Firstly, Cuban coffee indeed boasts a robust caffeine content, averaging around 75 milligrams. However, when squared off against espresso, Cuban coffee doesn’t claim the crown. 

Yet, it’s no myth that Cuban coffee dominates regular coffee when you consider the caffeine content per fluid ounce.

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