can you make vietnamese coffee with a coffee maker

Can You Make Vietnamese Coffee With A Coffee Maker?

Yes, you can make Vietnamese coffee using a coffee maker, although the traditional method uses a Vietnamese drip filter (called a “phin”). Here’s how you can adapt the process for a standard drip coffee maker.

How to make Vietnamese coffee with a coffee maker? 

To make Vietnamese coffee with a coffee maker, just follow this guide. 


  • Medium-ground dark roast coffee
  • Sweetened condensed milk (to taste, usually 1-2 tablespoons)
  • Hot water


Prepare the coffee:

  • Add the desired amount of medium-ground coffee to your coffee maker. For a strong brew, which is typical of Vietnamese coffee, you should use more coffee than you usually would.
  • Brew the coffee as you normally would in your coffee maker.

Add condensed milk:

  • While the coffee is brewing, pour 1-2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk into the bottom of your cup. The amount can be adjusted based on your sweetness preference.
Condensed milk at the bottom of the glass for Vietnamese coffee

Pour and mix:

  • Once the coffee is ready, pour it over the sweetened condensed milk in your cup.
  • Stir well to mix the coffee and condensed milk together.


  • Vietnamese coffee can be served with iced. To do this, fill a glass with ice and pour the coffee mixture over the ice.
  • If you prefer it hot, you can simply enjoy it as is after stirring.

💡 Need more alternatives? Check out 5 different ways to make Vietnamese coffee without a filter

Vietnamese coffee with ice

Mistakes to avoid when brewing Vietnamese coffee with a coffee maker

Vietnamese coffee is brewed with Robusta beans. Usually, for coffee, a regular coffee maker, you would use either Arabica beans or a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans.  

Just make sure to get 100% Robusta beans, and you can still enjoy authentic Vietnamese coffee, even if you don’t have a traditional drip filter. 

In addition, make sure that you use a medium grind size that works best with regular coffee makers. 

Final thoughts

Vietnamese coffee is a great brew that you can make even if you don’t have a traditional phin coffee filter. Simply follow the steps above, and you will have a perfect cup that will energize your mornings. 

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