Can You Make Cuban Coffee With Brown Sugar

Can You Make Cuban Coffee With Brown Sugar?

Have you ever wondered if you can make Cuban coffee with brown sugar? Yes, you can make Cuban coffee with brown sugar, though traditionally, it’s made with white sugar. Using brown sugar will impart a slightly different flavor and color. Stick around to learn the best way to enjoy a truly authentic Cuban coffee experience.

💡 Make sure to check out a traditional Cuban coffee recipe

How can you make Cuban coffee with brown sugar?

To make Cuban coffee with brown sugar, start by brewing a strong shot of coffee using a Moka pot.

Instead of using white sugar to create the espumita, you’ll be using brown sugar. Place a couple of teaspoons of brown sugar in the smaller pot. Add a few first drops of freshly brewed coffee and begin vigorously stirring the coffee and sugar together.

Continue stirring the coffee and sugar mixture until the sugar has dissolved and the foam has formed. The foam should be thick and creamy. 

Once the espumita is ready, carefully pour the coffee into small demitasse cups and add an equal amount of the foam to each cup.

cuban coffee beans, brown sugar, and spices

What sugar is traditionally used for Cuban coffee?

White granulated sugar is a crucial part of the authentic Cuban coffee experience.

White sugar creates the ideal texture and consistency for the espumita, the creamy foam that goes on top of Cuban coffee.

Brown sugar has a more pronounced molasses flavor and a slightly different sweetness profile compared to white sugar.

Check out how Jeremy from Live Well explains what is the difference. 

Does using brown sugar affect the flavor of Cuban coffee?

Yes, brown sugar significantly alters the taste and texture of the Cuban coffee. It can overpower the rich and distinct flavors of this type of coffee.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for an authentic cup of Cuban coffee, stick to white sugar. You will get the full-bodied flavor, the perfect balance of sweetness, and that delightful espumita.


Can you use demerara sugar?

Yes, you can use demerara sugar as a substitute for white sugar in Cuban coffee, but it is not an authentic ingredient. Demerara sugar has larger crystals and a rich, caramel-like flavor that can change the taste of your coffee.

Is demerara better than brown sugar?

This will depend on your personal taste. Demerara sugar has a distinct flavor and texture due to its molasses content, while brown sugar has a milder molasses flavor.

Are there health benefits to using brown sugar in coffee?

No, because the difference in nutritional value between brown sugar and white sugar is minimal. While brown sugar may offer trace amounts of minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron, it is still a form of added sugar, and you should consume it in moderation.

Can I use other sweeteners instead of sugar in Cuban coffee?

No, because you can’t make creamy foam with sweeteners like stevia, honey, or agave syrup. You can’t even have Cuban coffee without sugar. Sweat and creamy foam, also known as espumita, is a crucial part of this type of coffee. 

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