best electric turkish coffee grinder

6 Best Electric Turkish Coffee Grinders

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The grind can make or break your brew. This is especially true for Turkish coffee, which demands an almost powdered consistency, finer than any espresso. But is it possible to get a perfect grind without spending long minutes with a manual grinder? Absolutely! Here, you will find the best electric Turkish coffee grinders that promise both efficiency and authenticity. 

💡 Getting ready to make this brew? Check out the best Turkish coffee recipie

An overview of the best electric Turkish coffee grinders 

Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee GrinderCheck price
SHARDOR Conical Burr Electric Coffee Grinder Check price
Capresso Infinity Conical Burr GrinderCheck price
SHARDOR Electric Coffee Bean Grinder with 31 Precise SettingCheck price
OXO Burr Coffee GrinderCheck price
Cusinart Electric Burr One-Touch Automatic GrinderCheck price

Reviews of the best electric Turkish coffee grinders

Let’s take a deep dive into the best electric Turkish coffee grinders.

Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

The Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder is ideal for home brewing. Its compact design is user-friendly, with a simple ON/OFF switch and a front-mounted pulse button. Offering 40 grind settings, it caters to a variety of brew methods, from Turkish coffee to French Press. 

Durability shines through its hardened alloy steel burrs and robust DC motor. Backed by Baratza’s support and a 1-year warranty, it’s a top choice for both novices and seasoned coffee enthusiasts.

SHARDOR Conical Burr Electric Coffee Grinder 

The SHARDOR Conical Burr Electric Coffee Grinder is crafted with stainless steel conical burrs that produce uniform grounds, crucial for optimal flavor extraction. With its 35 custom grind selections, it caters to every coffee grind. 

The grinder’s anti-static technology is a noteworthy feature, ensuring a mess-free grinding session. Cleaning is a breeze with its detachable upper burr and container, further complemented by an included scoop/cleaning brush.

Capresso Infinity Conical Burr Grinder

The Capresso Infinity Conical Burr Grinder stands out for its precision and versatility. Its commercial-grade, solid steel conical burrs promise an advanced cutting design for consistent grinding. It covers the entire spectrum from ultrafine Turkish grinds to coarser French Press grinds. 

The gear reduction motor ensures a slower grind, minimizing noise, static build-up, preserving the coffee’s aroma. The grinder’s generous capacity, with an 8.8-ounce bean container and a 4-ounce ground coffee container, is impressive. Maintenance is a breeze, thanks to the removable upper burr, making cleaning straightforward.

SHARDOR Electric Coffee Bean Grinder with 31 Precise Setting

The SHARDOR Electric Coffee Bean Grinder showcases its prowess through its robust, 40-millimeter stainless steel conical burrs. Thoughtfully designed, these burrs work diligently to reduce grinding heat and shield the coffee bean’s essential oils, ensuring consistent grounds and peak flavor extraction. 

The innovative coffee grounds residual cleaner effortlessly deals with leftover coffee grounds at the mere press of a button. Additionally, the built-in brush, along with the removable upper burr, hopper, and chamber, simplify the cleaning process.

OXO Burr Coffee Grinder

The OXO Burr Coffee Grinder stands out as a beacon of precision and convenience in the world of coffee grinding. At its core, the stainless steel conical burrs work diligently to create uniform grounds, an essential factor for achieving the optimal flavor in your brew.

Changing beans or cleaning is made effortless with the mess-free hopper, equipped with a “trap door” feature that retains beans even when removed. There is also a stainless steel container specifically designed to combat static, ensuring you won’t find grounds scattered about.

Cusinart Electric Burr One-Touch Automatic Grinder

The Cusinart Electric Burr One-Touch Automatic Grinder takes coffee grinding to the next level, ensuring every cup is brewed with optimum flavor. The burr grinding system is its crown jewel, offering an 18-position grind selector. 

The one-touch grind functionality epitomizes ease of use. Separate from the main unit, the power bar is paired with an electric timer. This ensures the grinder shuts off automatically once the grinding cycle is complete, adding a layer of safety and precision.

Can blade grinders work for Turkish coffee? 

While blade grinders may be a good choice for other coffee grind sizes, they often aren’t the best option when it comes to Turkish coffee.

They can be convenient and affordable, but these grinders operate by chopping the coffee beans into smaller pieces using spinning blades. Many people have encountered the same problem. Some particles turn into fine powder, while others remain coarser.

To achieve an extra fine grind that resembles powder consistency, you should choose a burr grinder. 

inconsistent grind from blade grinder

Who should get an electric Turkish coffee grinder?

If you find yourself constantly rushing in the mornings or simply prefer a hassle-free coffee brewing experience, an electric Turkish coffee grinder is the perfect choice for you.

Even though manual grinders are part of authentic Turkish coffee preparation, they aren’t the best option when you’re trying to get ready for the day, juggling multiple tasks, and time seems to slip away faster than you can say “coffee.” In such situations, an electric grinder becomes your trusted ally.

Moreover, electric grinders offer consistent results. They are equipped with advanced mechanisms that ensure a uniform grind size, which is crucial for Turkish coffee. This means you don’t have to worry about uneven grind. 

manual turkish coffee ready for grinding

How to clean an electric Turkish coffee grinder?

Keeping your electric Turkish coffee grinder clean is essential to maintain its performance and ensure longevity. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it:

  1. Unplug and disassemble: Before you start cleaning, always make sure to unplug the grinder from the power source to ensure safety. Next, disassemble the grinder by removing the hopper, burrs, and any removable parts. Refer to your grinder’s user manual if you need guidance on how to disassemble it properly.
  1. Remove excess coffee grounds: Tap the grinder gently to remove any loose coffee grounds, or use a soft brush to sweep away the residue. Be thorough in this step to prevent any old coffee grounds from mixing with fresh ones during the next grind.
  1. Clean the burrs: The burrs are the heart of your grinder, so it’s important to clean them properly. Use a small brush or a toothbrush to scrub the burrs, removing any remaining coffee particles gently. Pay attention to the nooks and crannies where coffee tends to accumulate.
  1. Wipe down the exterior: Take a damp cloth and wipe down the exterior of the grinder, removing any dust, spills, or fingerprints. Be careful not to let any moisture seep into the internal components.
  1. Reassemble and test: Once all the parts are clean and dry, reassemble the grinder according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that everything is properly aligned and securely in place. Before using the grinder again, give it a quick test run to make sure everything is functioning smoothly.
  1. Regular maintenance: To keep your grinder in top shape, it’s recommended to perform regular maintenance tasks. This includes cleaning the burrs and removing any residual coffee grounds after each use. Additionally, some grinders may require occasional lubrication or calibration, so refer to your grinder’s manual for specific maintenance instructions.

How do you make authentic Turkish coffee? 

Authentic Turkish coffee requires precision in all steps, from selecting the right coffee beans to achieving the perfect grind size, from mastering the brewing technique to creating that coveted foam.

Here, you can find a step-by-step guide on how to make authentic Turkish coffee

Final thoughts

Even if it’s not the most authentic way, electric Turkish coffee can save you a lot of time and produce the grind that you need for a perfect cup of coffee. Just make sure you choose the burr instead of the blade grinder, and you can enjoy freshly ground Turkish coffee without manual work. 

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